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snowSMART Assignments  

Please complete the following activities for P.E.


Day 1 - One minute drills - make note cards of these stations and do these as a rotation up to 40 minutes.

-Run in place

-Jumping Jacks

-Sit ups

-Push ups

-Squat thrusts

-Jump rope or jump and reach

-Frog jumps


Day 2 - Stretching Exercises - Make note cards of these stations and do these as a rotation up to 40 minutes.

-Stand and put legs together, ben and touch toes/floor

-Legs shoulder width apart and do 10 squats'

-Take a giant step forward with right leg bend and stretch for 10 seconds. Switch to left leg and do the same for 10 seconds.

-Stand and spread your legs wider than your shoulders, keep feet pointing forward and lean to your left for a 10-count and switch to the right and do the same.

-Keep your legs wider than your shoulders and bend over to touch the floor. (Do not move your legs or feet)

-Sit on the floor, spread your legs as far apart as you can and stretch to the right foor for a 10-count, switch to the left foor for a 10-count, then twist and bend right hand to left foot for a 10-count, rotate left hand to right foot for a 10-count.

-Butterflies - pull feet in toward your bottom and slowly push down on your knees with your elbows.

-Legs together sitting on the floor and toes pointing in the air, reach and touch your toes for a 10-count, then arch your back for a 10-count. (Do 2 sets of these)

-Stretch right elbow behind your head for a 10-count, then switch to stretch left elbow behind your head for a 10-count.


Day 3 - Cardiovascular-One minute drills - make note cards of these stations and do these as a rotation up to 40 minutes

- Elbow knee touch (add a twist to the routine)

- Knee claps (raise right leg and clap under, then raise left leg and clap under)

- Knee slaps (Keep elbows and arms at a right angle, then raise your right knee up to your elbow and then do the same for left leg)

- Arm circles 20-count. Do them forward and backwards.

- Windmill circles 20-count. Do them forward and backwards.

- Trunk twister (twist to the right and then to the left)


***You can mix and match note cards from any day to make it fit you.***